
Eco Friendly Bloggers

Eco Friendly Bloggers

We’re all working to make small, easy changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle. At Elyn, we believe that success starts by surrounding ourselves with positive inspiration and education. Check out...

Eco Friendly Bloggers

We’re all working to make small, easy changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle. At Elyn, we believe that success starts by surrounding ourselves with positive inspiration and education. Check out...

Home Pantry Organization

Home Pantry Organization

One of the hallmarks of a sustainable lifestyle is decreasing your carbon footprint by eating more plant-based meals, which makes the panty is one of the most used areas in...

Home Pantry Organization

One of the hallmarks of a sustainable lifestyle is decreasing your carbon footprint by eating more plant-based meals, which makes the panty is one of the most used areas in...

Going Paperless

Going Paperless

Did you know that recycling 1 ton of paper would save 7,000 gallons of water and 3.3 cubic yards of landfill waste? (EPA facts) The small steps we take to...

Going Paperless

Did you know that recycling 1 ton of paper would save 7,000 gallons of water and 3.3 cubic yards of landfill waste? (EPA facts) The small steps we take to...

Documentaries on Netflix

Documentaries on Netflix

If the Back to School energy has you thinking you’d like to learn a little more about our planet and the challenges we’re facing, we think you’ll enjoy our environment...

Documentaries on Netflix

If the Back to School energy has you thinking you’d like to learn a little more about our planet and the challenges we’re facing, we think you’ll enjoy our environment...

How to Recycle Electronics

How to Recycle Electronics

Did you know “For every million cell phones we recycle, 35 thousand pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be...

How to Recycle Electronics

Did you know “For every million cell phones we recycle, 35 thousand pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be...

Clever items to simplify your life

Clever items to simplify your life

Life certainly feels a bit overwhelming these days, but here at Elyn, we’re looking for ways to streamline and simplify life to help keep us uplifted and moving forward. When...

Clever items to simplify your life

Life certainly feels a bit overwhelming these days, but here at Elyn, we’re looking for ways to streamline and simplify life to help keep us uplifted and moving forward. When...